The FFA Agri-Science Fair program is a dynamic, ever-expanding Career Development Event that encourages the technical skill development to properly conduct scientific agriculture based research. It is a great program with a far reaching effect on members' lives.
Career Development Events (CDE)
Career Development Events are competitive events that mirror real-world career skills. They offer FFA members the opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge, creative and critical thinking, and leadership skills. Winners for each Career Development Event are announced at the annual National and State Conventions.
4-H/FFA Career Development Events (CDE)
The 4-H/FFACareer Development Events are outstanding programs that develop members' production agriculture technical skills, and in the process promote critical thinking and leadership development. These events encompass eleven specific CDE's.
Leadership Development Events (LDE)
Ask anyone involved with FFA to describe the organization in one word and the most common response is always "LEADERSHIP". These events promote leadership development in our members and serve to recognize those that achieve excellence in those areas.
Competitive Event Feedback Form
Provide feedback for competitive events to help improve future contests for members. Click here to access the form.
Student Accommodations
Click here to complete the form to request accommodations for your student. Please complete this form for each competitive event that your student competes in.
Includes: Links to 4-H/FFA CDE results, FFA CDEs, District Convention, National Convention Summary, State Degrees, Proficiency Awards, National Chapter, and more.